Spicy Chili Pudding
Spicy, smoky desserts— YAS please. I think this may be my favorite dessert I’ve made this year (chef’s kiss). It’s savory but sweet, a little salty but still tastes very much like a perfect ending to a fall meal.
This has a warm heat that is smoky, flavorful and adds to the richness of the pudding. It’s not too sweet and has the perfect, thick texture that I crave with creamy desserts.
This recipe is not for everyone. But what is?
What you need:
2 egg yolks
2 T butter
1/2 C real maple syrup
1/2 C heavy cream
1.5 C milk (I used 1% but you could use 2% or whole)
2 T cornstarch
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp chili powder — (I used Sirakakhong Hathei single origin chili from Diaspora Co. I am in love)
1/2 tsp almond extract
Whisk together egg yolks, heavy cream and cornstarch in a small bowl and set aside.
In saucepan, mix together the milk, maple syrup, salt, and chili powder. Place over medium-high heat and continually until steam starts to come off the mixture. Remove from heat and slowly pour about 1/2 Cup of the warm mixture into the egg mixture. This helps temper the eggs so they don’t cook. Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan so both mixtures are together and place back on heat. Whisk continually until little bubbles start forming. Remove from heat and stir in butter and almond extract. Once butter in melted, pour in serving dishes and refrigerate for about 2 hours until set. You can sprinkle a bit more chili powder on top of each pudding to make it look festive :)
I don’t place plastic wrap on top because pudding skin but if you don’t want a skin to form, place plastic wrap on each pudding to cover the surface of the pudding while it sets.